Thursday, April 19, 2007

Life Plan

All right, all right you snot heads.

I got the hint and the point and I know y'all are right.

So, here is my new life plan.

OK...I graduate school in April of 2009.

I write my Canadian and American RN exams.

I move to the East coast of the far I'm looking at FL, GA, SC, MD, and VA.

I have heard it takes approximately 7 years to save to buy a I"m hoping to save and buy a house of my own by 2016.

And during that time, enjoy doing things I like, hopefully making friends along the way.

Perhaps do some travelling, perhaps get into more antiques, learn some new skills, like enriching my piano playing or learning to play the harp. Perfecting more needle crafts etc. Renew my french knowledge. Plan a kick ass trip across Europe. Attend concerts. Go to museums....Enjoy myself.

And, time will tell what else happens...

OK, better for y'all?


I think that should be my new motto...whadda ya think?


Burfica said...

that is a great motto!!!

snot head?? did you say snot head??

*shifts eyes back and forth*

Mia said...

I agree with Burf...that's a great motto!!!! now if I can follow that advice, life would be grand.

Alekx said...

Life plan.
I knew I screwed up somewhere along the way.
I forgot to do that part.

PS I call burfica a snot head all the time